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Types of undercarriage
Folding wings
Technical data
Folding wings
- only one person, only 10 minutes, to fold our wings!
- our planes are easily trailerable or can be stored in relatively small spaces
- our planes will fit into an enclosed trailer (while some planes with folding wings are too wide to fit into an enclosed trailer)
- our planes give the option of using an enclosed trailer as portable hangar
- with hangar space being unavailable or ridiculously expensive in many parts of the U.S., our truly transportable aircraft has a great advantage over almost planes in the same category
- our planes are available as trike or taildragger
Great cockpit
- roomy cockpit - wider than a Cessna 172
- super visibility with the our clear doors, skylights, etc.
- jeasy entry (our planes are high wing with two gull-wing doors held open with gas-lift struts)
- extra-comfortable seats -- our seats are exceptionally comfortable so you can fly for hours without any discomfort or need to "wiggle"!
- we have easily adjustable seating positions -- for shorter or taller, bigger or smaller pilots and passengers
- access to the luggage area while flying (many planes have luggage compartments that cannot be accessed while inflight)
Advanced new feature: cockpit-controllable oil temperature control flap
- a new standard feature for our airplanes -- our planes now have a cockpit-controllable oil temperature control flap -- which provides for much for quicker warm-ups and to be able to keep the engine at better operating temperatures on colder days
Our A220 taildragger has modern features and performance
- we have one of the very few modern-performance (18+ kmph cruise) side-by-side S-LSA taildraggers available
- our A220 taildragger has excellent forward visibility while taxiing, so typical "weaving back and forth" to see ahead is not necessary -- resulting in a better, safer taildragger
- our taildragger is considered to be a relatively "easy handling" taildragger
Easy takeoffs and landings
- extra-wide landing gear (with both trike and taildragger) for really good stability during taxiing, takeoffs and (especially) landings
Great color choices
- our planes are available in a nice variety of colors (most other S-LSA planes are only available in white, maybe with some different colors of decals on them)
Choice of Tundra tires or standard tires
- our plane are available with standard tires with wheel pants or with tundra tires for flying off of softer fields
our A220 taildragger can quickly be switched back and forth from standard tires with wheel pants to our larger tundra tires (on the same wheels)
Economical operation
- our planes use auto fuel which saves a lot over using avgas (though avgas can be used when necessary)
- our planes typically burn less than 4 gph of gasoline - very efficient!
Great wings
- all-aluminum wing structure with composite leading edge and wingtips and composite flaperons
- our wings have no internal moving parts making all inspections very easy and reliable
- we have true STOL performance -- very short takeoff and landing even when fully loaded
- full-span "flaperons" -- with our free-airfoil flaperons even when the wing itself is stalling we still have good aileron authority
- ailerons and flaps actuated through pushrods, instead of cables
- true "quality" and "attention to detail" -- easy to see for yourself with a good look at our planes, or just ask any of our aircraft owners!
- over 350 factory-built aircraft manufactured since 1990 with zero structural failures and zero fatal accidents
- our planes have had over 20 years of steady development and refinement by a manufacturer completely dedicated to this aircraft design
Can fly with doors open or off
- one or both doors can be opened during flight (at lower airspeeds) to take photos or for a better view or just for some fresh air!
or our doors can readily be removed for flying without doors for more of an "open cockpit" experience!
Aeropro s.r.o. - designed by Michal TonĨek